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Wolf howling meaning

Wolves howl to communicate their location to other pack members and to ward off rivaling packs from their territory. The sound of the wolf howling is something that many people find eerie and disturbing, especially at night. Those that are able to distinguish the different types of howls are able to gain insight into why the wolf is howling.

January’s Full Moon is known as the Wolf Moon, after the wolves that are active during the early parts of the year. The name is thought to have a Celtic and Old English origin, brought over to North America by European settlers.

In the Chicago area, you’ll want to put your eyes to the sky as early as the 4 o’clock hour. Wolves are often a symbol of strength. Bring your fondest memories to life with this beautiful wildlife photo of a lone wolf, howling in the cold light of the moon.

Capture the beauty and majesty of nature with this beautifully framed photo of a lone wolf, howling in the cold light of the moon. Bring your fondest memories to life with this beautiful wildlife photo of a lone wolf, howling in the cold light of the moon.